2012-01-23 18:24:10 UTC
Qq'un est il parvenu a installer et lancer Jamin ??
J'ai que des messages d'erreur en compilant fftw3f :
checking for fftw3f >= 3.0... configure: error: Didn't find any float
FFTW3 libraries.
configure: error: Make sure you built FFTW with --enable-float.
configure: error: Double precision /can/ be used (--enable-double-fft),
configure: error: but this package will not run in realtime on many 2003
configure: error: era machines
... je sèche
Qq'un est il parvenu a installer et lancer Jamin ??
J'ai que des messages d'erreur en compilant fftw3f :
checking for fftw3f >= 3.0... configure: error: Didn't find any float
FFTW3 libraries.
configure: error: Make sure you built FFTW with --enable-float.
configure: error: Double precision /can/ be used (--enable-double-fft),
configure: error: but this package will not run in realtime on many 2003
configure: error: era machines
... je sèche